Darwin Isdahl - Home Club (Four Seasons and St. Paul Curling Club)

Darwin started curling almost 9 years ago, but had a year and a half break for the pandemic. He has always found curling fascinating, so when his brother-in-law asked if he wanted to do a Learn To Curl, he jumped at it!

Darwin’s favorite personal moment in curling was winning the Four Seasons club championship. Their skip had to leave town before it was over as did our lead, so he skipped with their remaining teammate and a sub and won!

He volunteered to be on the TCCA Board because he was invited to play at the TCCA Invitational in 2019 and learned a little about the TCCA there. he had recently retired, so he thought he might have some time to help out when he heard they were looking for board members. He would like to see the TCCA help the Twin Cities curling clubs as well as their curlers reach their goals, whatever they may be. He’d like to see more people experience the fun of curling and help make it an enjoyable experience to those who are already involved.  He has also recently joined the Minnesota Curling Association (MCA) board to improve communication with the TCCA and the MCA, and try to accomplish many of the same goals across the state of Minnesota. His kids warn people not to bring up the subject of curling around him or he’ll never get off it.